IETF Masterclasses

Masterclass Scott Bradner
Delft, 24 september 2002
The architectural vision behind the Internet protocols was key to the
development of today's Internet. But this vision that is now under
significant threat from today's business and security "realities." This
talk will explore the origins of the Internet's architectural vision, its
implications, why it was so important to the creation of what we now know
as the Internet, what threats is the vision now under, and what the
ramifications are of changing the architectural vision now. - Scott Bradner
Deze tekst in het Nederlands
Download the material from Scott Bradner's masterclass:
[ Powerpoint - 354 Kb | OpenOffice/StarOffice - 62 Kb ]
In the season 2002/2003 the series of IETF Masterclasses will be continued. Last year there were succesfull masterclasses on IPv6, MANet, optical networks en security with international top experts such as Fred Baker, Cees de Laat, dr. Steve Deering and Jeff Schiller.
 On 24 september 2002 the new season will be opened by Scott Bradner (Harvard). Bradner is a wellknown figure in the internet world, who has made significant contributions to the development of the internet from the early days of the ARPANET. As former co-chair of the IPv6-working group within the IETF he is one of the more important names behind the new version of the internet protocol, IPv6 (also referenced as IPNG or IP Next Generation). Scott Bradner is one of the thirteen members of the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).
Bradner is giving a masterclass on "Internet Architectural Philosophy and the new business reality". The architecture of the internet was conceived in very different circumstances as we are now in. With the rough period through which the sector is going it is interesting to contrast the basic principles of the internet with the commercial reality of the internet as we know it now.
More information:
About the speaker
Scott Bradner has made significant contributions to the internet from its early days. He codevelopped the Harvard High-Speed Data Network (HSDN), the Longwood Medical Area network (LMAnet) and NEARNet. He is area director of the Transport & Sub-IP Areas in the IETF, and is Vice President for Standards within the international Internet Society. He is founder of the Harvard Network Device Test Lab, has written several books and is a frequent speaker at technical conferences and a columnist for Network World.
Location and time
Host of this first IETF Masterclass of season 2002/2003 is the University of Delft. The masterclass will be held on 24 september 2002 between 14.00 hours and 17.00 hours in the building of the faculty of Information Technology & Systems (ITS) in room B (Mekelweg 4 in Delft, the Netherlands, route description). You can join in the masterclass by sending an email to Admission fee for the masterclass is EUR 100 for non-members of and EUR 50 for members (join!). The masterclass is organised in cooperation with the Advanced Internet Research-group of the University of Amsterdam.
NB: There are possibilities for a limited number of students and PHD's to join the masterclass for free, if you feel you should be one of them please contact Michiel Leenaars. If you are a member of the press please also contact mr. Leenaars.
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