Masterclass Andre Merzky/Thilo Kielmann
26 oktober 2006, Amsterdam
Download presentaties Andre Merzky/Thilo Kielman:
Grid Programming
Gridforum Nederland en Internet Society organiseren samen op 26 oktober 2006 een masterclass over The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) met Andre Merzky en Thilo Kielmann. Merzky en Kielmann maken beiden sinds 2005 deel uit van de GFSG, het college binnen het internationale Open Grid Forum (voorheen: Global Grid Forum en Enterprise Grid Alliance) dat alle onderzoeksgebieden en werkgroepen coordineert. De workshop gaat over de snelle ontwikkelingen op het gebied van zg. Grid API's, ofwel: hoe applicaties op een gestandaardiseerde, eenvoudige manier met grids kunnen praten.
Inhoud van de masterclass
Grid middleware is both maturing and becoming more widely deployed.
Still, there are only few real-world applications being deployed on
a regular basis. One important reason for this is the lack of a
suitable programming interface (API) for such applications, that is
simple, stable, and available across the major middleware systems like
Globus, G-Lite, or Unicore.
Within the Open Grid Forum (OGF), such an API is currently being
standardized. The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) strives to be
simple by addressing the needs of applications (only), while being
independent and thus uniform and stable across the different grid
middleware systems and their versions. It hides several intricate aspects
of grid environments from the end user, such as complexity, heterogenity
and dynamicity of grid platforms.
This masterclass will give insight in the design of Grid APIs in general,
and will, in a tutorial style, provide an introduction into the use of the
Toegangsprijs voor de masterclass voor niet-leden van is EUR 100, leden van en kunnen zich gratis inschrijven. (word lid!). De masterclass word gehouden op 26 oktober 2006 van 13.30 uur tot 17.00 uur aan de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV). Er is zoals altijd een beperkt aantal gratis plaatsen beschikbaar voor AIO's en studenten. Na afloop is er een borrel om nog even na te praten met de spreker en andere deelnemers.
De masterclass wordt gehouden aan de Vrije Universiteit
De Boelelaan 1085
1081HV Amsterdam
Zaal F1.23
Ga naar de online routeschrijving.
Over de sprekers

Thilo Kielmann is member of the Grid Forum Steering Group,
as well as co-chair of the SAGA research group (SAGA-RG).
He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science of Vrije Universiteit.
He received his diploma in Computer Science from
Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, in
1992, a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering in 1997, and
the habilitation in Computer Science in 2001, the
latter both from the University of Siegen, Germany.
Andrë Merzky is actively involved in the Open Grid
Forum (OGF), both within its steering group and as co-chair
of the SAGA-CORE working group (SAGA-CORE-WG).
Merzky received his diploma in Particle Physics in
1998 at the Humboldt University in Berlin. He has worked
since on Grid-related topics concerning data management and
visualization. Currently, he is working at the Computer Science Department
of Vrije Universiteit.
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