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Internet Society: Het internet voor iedereen
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Conference program


Conference check-in


Jan Willem Broekema
Opening remarks

10:10-10:30 Adrian Georgescu

Adrian Georgescu
Introduction to the conference program

Multimedia communications over the Internet are replacing at an ever increasing speed the voice only service provided by the the public switched telephone network. The dial tone is replaced with end-to-end presence information.

Presence is defined as: "the willingness and ability of a user to communicate with other users on the network". The notion of Presence however is much broader and Future of Presence aims to bring this into the light.


Robert Sparks
Presence is as Presence does.

People are just beginning to integrate presence technology into their daily lives. We are currently in an era where the first thing we do with a Presence/IM system is ask "Are you really there?" That will change soon as we go through a phase of automation and tighter integration with devices. When it does, it will become clearer that Presence is not an application. Presence is an application enabler. However, some of those applications may not be what we expect.

Download presentation: [ ODF | PDF | Powerpoint binary ]


Coffee break

11:40-12:15 Wilhelm Wimmreuter

Wilhelm Wimmreuter
"Presence for all of my Communities, Goods, & Services"

Are we in a position to handle our presence states throughout all the communities we are joining? The session presents challenges and opportunities for behavior, management and binding of presence services across multiple communities. Users will bind project- groups, collaboration, sports or leisure communities as well as real world entities like goods, services and shipments in to their presence service of choice. This opens a wide range of business opportunities with authentication, authorization, user self management and service control to upcoming offers.

Download presentation: [ PDF ]

12:15-12:50 Alan R. Bugos

Alan Bugos
"Presence and International VoIP Networks: A Carrier's Perspective"

This presentation will discuss presence applications, services, and signaling/network architectures that interwork with international VoIP carrier networks, a potential new source of revenue for service providers. Business benefits, new sample applications and services related to presence information and databases, ENUM/SIP registries will be discussed and emphasized for real-world applications linked to both PC- and web-based, mobile and fixed line services, that may generate more revenues and/or reduce operating expenses will providing unique applications/services to "on-line" consumers.

Download presentation [ OpenDocument Format | PDF | Powerpoint binary ]


Lunch break

14:15-14:50 Dean Willis

Dean Willis
One Future, Many Presence

The focus of standards effort in the IETF has been to define the "one true Internet presence protocol" that could be used ubiquitously from mobile handsets to massive interdomain server deployments. This effort has failed: the IETF itself has defined two different protocols (SIMPLE and XMPP), and commercial deployments have diverged even more widely. Valid technical and social reasons drive this divergence. No single protocol meets the full range of requirements. The future of presence most likely involves multiple specialized protocols that are aggregated, mixed, and interwoven in the "mashup " style of today's web apps, with information being aggregated and remixed by custom server-based applications. Expect to see applications that combine availability, location, mapping, blogging, messaging, work process, and inventory management, among others. This presentation discusses the rationale for divergence, the applications expected to drive the future of presence in the Internet, and directional shifts in standardization efforts that may occur as a result.

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14:50-15:25 ArnoudVanWijk

Arnoud van Wijk
"The many opportunities of Realtime Text"

Real-Time Text is conversational text that is sent and received on a character by character basis. The characters are sent immediately (in a fraction of a second) once typed and also displayed immediately to the receiving person(s). This allows text to be used in the same conversational mode as voice, making it superior in usage to current instant messaging. Being a real internet standard (RFC 4103) it can be easily integrated into new services. A look into the next generation of text-based interaction.

Download presentation [ OpenDocument Format | PDF | Powerpoint binary ]

15:25-16:00 Carsten Schiefner

Carsten Schiefner
dotTEL for Registrars

This year will see the launch of .tel, a new top level domain. Traditionally, TLDs have been about mapping domains to IP addresses. .tel has a very different purpose: mapping domains to contact information stored directly in the DNS. What will this bring to the market? What is the business proposition behind this new offering? With open source client tools available for environments such as BlackBerry devices and Windows Mobile, and with open source TelHosting software, TelNIC is aiming for easy adoption by developers.

Download presentation [ OpenDocument Format | PDF | Powerpoint binary ]

16:00-16:35 Olle Johansson

Olle Johansson
Who? When? Why? The enterprise presence puzzle

The presence puzzle gets more interesting for every day. Telephony platforms like Asterisk delivers call states and phone states, and users want to mix this with their personal presence - or do they? And who are allowed to watch my presence? Solving the enterprise presence puzzle will be a very interesting task for the Internet community. Today, we see first generation solutions that doesn't take enterprise needs in consideration.
This talk gives a personal perspective and wishlist based on work with the Asterisk PBX and XMPP/Jabber presence in small and large- scale environments.

Download presentation [ PDF ]


Discussion panel

 Led by Adrian Georgescu (AG Projects)


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